在選擇貓咪食品時,越來越多的寵物家長開始關注「人類食用級別」這個標準。畢竟,毛孩是我們的家人,牠們的健康與幸福值得最好的守護。那麼,「人類食用級別」到底有什麼特別之處?為什麼 Giant Meow® 堅持採用這一標準?接下來,我們一起來了解。






雖然「寵物級別」的食品可以提供基本的營養,但並不一定保證高品質或高安全性,尤其是對於需要細心呵護的貓咪來說,Giant Meow 當然不會冒任何風險了。

Giant Meow® 的承諾:每一罐都是「人類食用級別」

Giant Meow®,我們視貓咪如同己出,因此牠們的食物標準絕不能妥協。我們的每一罐主食罐頭都採用真正達到「人類食用級別」的原料和製作標準,這意味著:

  1. 嚴選新鮮食材:


  2. 製作過程透明可追溯:


  3. 針對貓咪的專業營養配方:
    符合 AAFCO/NRC 營養標準,由動物營養專家精心設計,確保每一餐既美味又符合貓咪的生理需求。


  4. 健康與美味兼得:



Giant Meow® 不僅是一罐貓糧,更是我們對貓咪的愛與承諾。

"Human-Grade" VS "Pet-Grade": Giant Meow® Brings Your Cat a Premium Dining Experience

When it comes to choosing food for your beloved cat, more and more pet parents are turning their attention to the term "human-grade." After all, our furry companions are family members, and their health and happiness deserve nothing but the very best. But what exactly does "human-grade" mean, and why does Giant Meow® insist on using this standard? Let’s find out.

What Does "Human-Grade" Mean?

"Human-grade" means that every ingredient and the entire production process meet the same strict safety and quality standards required for human food. This includes the sourcing of ingredients, preparation methods, and hygiene practices.

For pet food, "human-grade" ensures a higher level of quality assurance because the ingredients are also safe for human consumption. This standard provides pet parents with peace of mind, knowing that every bite is not only delicious but also safe.

Is "Pet-Grade" Good Enough?

"Pet-grade" food is designed to meet the basic nutritional needs of pets, but its quality can vary greatly. Some brands may use low-quality meat by-products, artificial additives, or cheap fillers in their "pet-grade" products, which could negatively impact your pet’s health over time.

While "pet-grade" food can provide essential nutrients, it doesn’t always guarantee premium quality or safety, especially for cats who deserve the very best.

Giant Meow®’s Promise: Every Can is "Human-Grade"

At Giant Meow®, we believe cats are family, and their food should meet the same high standards as our own. That’s why every can of our wet food is made with truly "human-grade" ingredients and production standards. Here’s what that means:

  1. Carefully Selected Fresh Ingredients:
    Every piece of meat and every ingredient meets human food safety standards, with no low-quality by-products or artificial additives.


  2. Transparent, Traceable Production:
    From sourcing to production, every step is strictly monitored to ensure every can meets rigorous food safety standards.


  3. Expertly Balanced Nutrition for Cats:
    Formulated to meet AAFCO/NRC nutritional standards, our recipes are designed by animal nutritionists to be both delicious and tailored to your cat’s specific dietary needs.


  4. Health and Taste in Every Bite:
    Enriched with natural, flavorful broth, our wet food not only entices your cat but also helps them stay hydrated to support kidney health.


Your cat’s health and happiness deserve a higher standard. We believe that only food made with ingredients we can trust for ourselves can truly safeguard their well-being.

Giant Meow® is more than just a can of cat food—it’s our promise of love and care.