
放心,Giant Meow® 絕對沒有使用任何防腐劑!


Giant Meow 不靠防腐劑,靠的是科技與堅持 !

我們深知貓咪的健康對每位飼主的重要性,因此,Giant Meow® 對於品質的堅持是無可妥協的。罐頭之所以能在不添加防腐劑的情況下,在室溫下保持長時間的新鮮,完全歸功於我們的嚴格製程,讓罐內的微生物無法生存。接下來,我們來講講罐頭製作的三大關鍵工藝:


1. 脫氣處理:阻止細菌生長的第一步


Giant Meow® 的製程中,我們採用兩種主要的脫氣方式:

  • 真空脫氣:利用真空設備將罐內空氣排出。
  • 蒸氣脫氣:用高溫蒸氣快速替代罐內空氣,提升密封效果。


2. 捲封技術:密封罐頭,不讓細菌進入


良好的捲封技術是罐頭長效保存的關鍵之一,確保內容物不受外界環境的污染或劣化。而在 Giant Meow® 的生產線上,每一步封口的細節都經過嚴格檢測,確保密封效果達到最高標準。


3. 商業殺菌:讓微生物無所遁形

商業殺菌是罐頭製作的最後一道工序,也是最關鍵的步驟之一。根據罐頭的類型、內容物特性(如 PH 值)、罐型等條件,設定精確的殺菌時間與溫度,徹底滅除罐內的微生物。

經過商業殺菌的 Giant Meow® 罐罐,能在常溫儲存條件下,不會有微生物繁殖,且不含任何有害微生物,保證貓咪每一口都是健康安全的。



Giant Meow® 的罐罐採用真正達到「人類食用級」的原料和製作標準,這意味著:

  • 所有原料均符合人類可食用標準。
  • 整個生產過程和環境達到最嚴苛的衛生與安全要求。



Giant Meow® 的罐頭能保鮮長達3年,靠的不是添加防腐劑,而是嚴謹的製程與科技。從脫氣、捲封到商業殺菌,每一步都為了確保您的貓咪吃到的每一口食物都是安全、健康、無添加的。


Giant Meow®:每一罐都承載著我們對貓咪健康的承諾與愛。


Does a 3-Year Shelf Life Mean Lots of Preservatives? 

When you see that cat food cans have a shelf life of up to 3 years, you might wonder: "Does it contain lots of preservatives?" Don’t worry—Giant Meow® contains absolutely NO preservatives!

Long Shelf Life Without Preservatives, Thanks to Science and Commitment

We understand how important your cat’s health is to you. That’s why Giant Meow® never compromises on quality. The secret to keeping our canned food fresh for years without any preservatives lies in our meticulous production process, which ensures that no microorganisms can survive inside the can. Here’s how we do it:


1. Deaeration: The First Step to Prevent Bacteria Growth

Deaeration is the process of removing air from the can and creating a low-pressure environment. This step is crucial for preventing the growth of aerobic bacteria and microorganisms. It also reduces oxidation, which can spoil the food, and prevents the contents from expanding during sterilization.

At Giant Meow®, we use two primary methods of deaeration:

  • Vacuum Deaeration: Using vacuum equipment to extract air from the can.
  • Steam Deaeration: Replacing air with high-temperature steam to enhance sealing.


2. Sealing: Locking Out Bacteria

Sealing, also known as "double seaming," involves sealing the can lid and can body together using a special sealing machine. This process ensures that the can is completely airtight, preventing air, moisture, and microorganisms from entering.

High-quality sealing is one of the keys to long shelf life. At Giant Meow®, we rigorously test every seal to ensure maximum protection against external contamination or spoilage.


3. Commercial Sterilization: Eliminating Microorganisms

Commercial sterilization is the final and most critical step in the canning process. By carefully calibrating the sterilization time and temperature based on the can type, contents, and pH level, we ensure that all harmful microorganisms are destroyed.

After this process, Giant Meow® cans can be stored at room temperature for years without any risk of microbial growth or contamination.

Truly "Human-Grade" Quality Standards

Giant Meow® uses ingredients and manufacturing standards that meet "human-grade" requirements, meaning:

  • All ingredients are safe for human consumption.
  • The entire production environment meets the highest hygiene and safety standards.


Additionally, we adhere to a "small-batch production" model, ensuring that the products on the market are always freshly made and of the highest quality.


The 3-year shelf life of Giant Meow® canned food is not achieved with preservatives, but through advanced technology and rigorous processes. From deaeration to sealing and sterilization, every step is designed to ensure that your cat enjoys food that is safe, healthy, and additive-free.


Giant Meow®: Every can is a promise of love and care for your feline companion.