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登記成為Giant Meow會員即獲$20購物金
1. 蛋白質:貓的毛髮主要由蛋白質組成,因此優質的蛋白質是維持毛髮健康的關鍵營養素。
2. 脂肪酸:Omega-3和Omega-6脂肪酸是維持貓毛髮健康的必要營養素。這些脂肪酸有助於保持毛髮光澤和柔軟度,同時還可以減少皮膚發炎和瘙癢。
3. 維生素A:維生素A對於貓毛髮生長和保持健康非常重要。缺乏維生素A會導致貓毛髮變得乾燥、脆弱和易斷。
4. 維生素E:維生素E是一種抗氧化劑,可保護貓毛髮免受自由基的損害。此外,維生素E還有助於提高毛髮光澤和柔軟度。
5. 維生素B群:維生素B群中的生物素和泛酸對於貓毛髮健康也非常重要。生物素可以促進毛髮生長和保持毛髮健康,而泛酸可以幫助提高毛髮光澤。
Giant Meow 的主食罐集合多種重要營養素,能夠促進貓咪毛髮健康生長。每日食用能使貓咪毛髮愈來愈柔軟順滑。
Envious of others' cats with shiny and fluffy fur?
Those who own long-haired cats such as Ragdolls, Maine Coons, and Persians often hope that their pets can have smooth and plush fur.
Not only does a cat's fur affect its appearance, but it also reveals some health information. A cat's fur health and luster are influenced by various nutrients. Here are some of the essential nutrients:
1. Protein: A cat's fur is primarily composed of protein, so high-quality protein is a key nutrient for maintaining healthy fur.
2. Fatty acids: Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are essential nutrients for maintaining healthy cat fur. These fatty acids help maintain fur shine and softness while also reducing skin inflammation and itching.
3. Vitamin A: Vitamin A is vital for cat fur growth and health. A deficiency in vitamin A can result in dry, brittle, and easily broken fur.
4. Vitamin E: Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects cat fur from free radical damage. Additionally, vitamin E helps improve fur shine and softness.
5. B vitamins: Biotin and pantothenic acid in the vitamin B complex are also essential for cat fur health. Biotin promotes fur growth and health, while pantothenic acid helps enhance fur shine.
Healthy cat fur requires the support of various nutrients. It is recommended to choose high-quality, balanced cat food to ensure your pet gets enough nutrients.
Giant Meow's main meal cans contain a variety of essential nutrients that promote healthy cat fur growth. Daily consumption can make your cat's fur increasingly soft and smooth.
Purchase now and let your pet's appearance shine!