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登記成為Giant Meow會員即獲$20購物金
1. 維生素B
2. 維生素D
3. 維生素E
Giant Meow 的貓罐頭蘊含維他命B12,可增進食慾及腸道營養吸收,幫助貓咪造血補血;維他命D3協助貓咪腸道吸收鈣鎂及鐵、並維持貓咪骨骼健康;而維他命B5(泛酸鈣) 及 維他命E則有助貓咪身體製造抗體對抗病菌、協助保護細胞並加強免疫系。
Giant Meow 的貓罐頭讓主子便便暢通,亦減少便便臭味,拯救一家人的鼻腔!
Is your cat frequently experiencing soft stools? They might be lacking these three essential vitamins!
Cats possess extremely sensitive digestive systems, making it crucial to maintain proper gut health. Several essential vitamins contribute to a cat's gastrointestinal well-being. Here are a few that benefit their gut health:
Giant Meow cat cans contain vitamin B12, which enhances appetite and intestinal nutrient absorption, supporting blood production; vitamin D3 aids calcium, magnesium, and iron absorption in the intestines, keeping bones healthy; vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) and vitamin E help produce antibodies to combat pathogens, protect cells, and bolster the immune system.
Giant Meow cat cans promote smooth bowel movements for your feline companion and minimize odors, providing a more pleasant environment for everyone at home!